Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dance With The Devil

I am having serious problems with working on Plain Jane. It's so slow going because I don't have a clue what I am doing. You'd think after writing a whole novel I would've already gotten with the program. Still, I admit that there are days when I really just love it. And then there are days when I want to shoot myself, or even worse, burn my manuscript.

It's definitely a love/hate relationship. ;)
And revision completely sucks. :(

I'm really into working on my fic, Dance With The Devil. It's gotten a lot of reviews and someone even made banners for it.

It's a Vampire Diaries story about an original female character (OFC) (Rose Cresswell) who is abused and is saved by Damon. She in turn saves him from his obsession over Katherine. And there's a twist. She's a witch and knows all about vampires. But I won't say any more. Who knows who might be reading... ;)
(My winking smiley faces look demented on here. How odd.)

I'm hungry. I think I'll go find some food and write more. Bye-bye!

Write with patience,

                            ~ Plain Jane