Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Little Revision And A Lot Of Shakespeare

I hate revision. It is so frustrating. I just had to cut about 3,000 words of extremely hard work. I have to rewrite a whole bunch of scenes but I have to admit that the writing part I'm enjoying. It's just really hard to get myself to cut all those words.

Woe is me!

I'm really self-depreciating too. I slashed across a scene with my pen and wrote, "DIRT," over it. I do that kind of thing a lot. I think half my problems with writing come from within. Doubts, fears (a lot of those), frustration. I'm my own worst enemy. I don't think any other person in the world can cut someone down as much as they cut themselves down.

I'm doing pretty good with my fan fiction though. Dance With The Devil is pretty popular, so I know I'm doing something right. I'm making friends through my writing on there. It's really nice to have conversations with people who actually like writing and reading the way I do. My family is fairly supportive but they're also pretty clueless.

I say Shakespeare, they scream no. Is there anyone out there who likes Shakespeare anymore?
I'm reading Hamlet right now and I'm crazy over it. It's fantastic. So touching and emotional. I'm not one for tragedies but this is one of the few I think I'm going to read again. I'm also reading A Midsummer Night's Dream and that one I really love. It's uproariously funny and very romantic. Much Ado About Nothing is another one I adore by the Bard. He's great when you need a little romantic comedy to lift your spirits.

Another great thing about Shakespeare is that his stuff has been used so many times before in other media that  the characters are as familiar to you as your favorite pair of shoes. There's something timeless about them that touches your heart and sweeps you away to another world.

Enough of my gushing though.

~ Jane

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